Imaging for Windows includes a licensing mechanism that requires you to register the software.
Imaging for Windows 4 includes a licensing mechanism that requires you to register the software within 14 calendar days after you initialize it. Registration requires a serial number that is included when you purchase the product.
You can run Imaging for Windows in evaluation mode for the pre-set period of time without registering. During the evaluation period, when either Imaging or Flow is launched, a message box displays the time remaining for evaluation and prompts you to specify whether you want to register.
Download these instructions: registration.pdf .
Imaging for Windows 4 should be installed on the PC or device you intend to use.
When you run an unregistered copy of Imaging for Windows 4, you will be asked if you would like to register it.
When you have received your serial number, choose to register Imaging and fill in the form displayed...
Starting the Registration Process.
Enter your serial number and other details, press Save and then email the generated register.dat file to
The register.dat file must be created on the same device the Imaging for Windows software is to be used on.
Please note the address to send the email to is: - make sure this begins "i4" and not 'fourteen' as that will not work.
You will receive a Registration Code by email (check your spam folder) .
Enter the Registration Code by running Imaging for Windows 4 again (on the same device the register.dat file was created) and choosing to Register...
Completing the Registration Process.
In the Registration Code box, type the registration code that you received. None of the other information can be edited.
If you have used the wrong serial number you may restart the registration procedure by pressing the Reset button.
Download Hotfix for Imaging for Windows - hotfixes (service packs) for release 4.0 of Imaging for Windows.
For installation instructions, please find the appropriate ReadMe file included with the hotfix.
Most users will need the End-User hotfix, developers will need the Developers Kit hotfix.
We recommend you install this service pack.